June 10, 2021

Russia in Global Skills Report

Coursera’s third annual Global Skills Report, ranking the state of skills globally, shows this year Russia maintaining its position in Top -10 countries. Though having dropped the leadership in data science and technology, Russian specialists demonstrate exceptionally high results in the field of computer programming (100% proficiency in skills), working with databases (98%) and web development (99%). In the field of data science, Russian specialists demonstrate a high level of proficiency in mathematics (99%) and statistical programming (100%). In the area of business skills, Russia is competitive, but its results are not as good as in the other two areas (technology and data science): it ranks 24th in the world rankings with a competency level of 79%.

This year’s study draws on performance data since the pandemic’s onset from over 77 million learners on Coursera for over 100 countries.

The most popular in Russia technology skills – computing systems theory, C/C++ programming, principles of programming, system programming, mathematics, etc. – are widely used by UNIPRO programming engineers.

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