October 15, 2021

GeneCut software on OpenBio 2021

On 5-8 October in the science city Koltsovo near Novosibirsk, the eighth international forum OpenBio was held, dedicated to life sciences – from basic scientific research to industrial application of biotechnology and the protection of intellectual property.

Our company has been engaged in bioinformatics for 18 years and took part in OpenBio forum several times – in the scientific part, in discussion panels, at exhibitions. This year, all four sections of the forum’s scientific conference included bioinformatics as a necessary component of almost all biological research.

UNIPRO bioinformatics team in collaboration with ICBiFM SB RAS presented a report on the GeneCut software tool. This program has been created for design of oligonucleotides, assembly and cloning of gene constructs. It enables molecular biologists to simulate on a computer the splitting of a DNA sequence into short fragments (oligonucleotides) for their subsequent assembly. The efficiency of assembling of synthetic DNA sequences from the obtained oligonculeotides was confirmed experimentally.

This software project was founded by Ph.D., head of the synthetic biology laboratory Georgy Shevelev, who tragically died in the Altai mountains in July 2021. The scientific component of this work is the result of his many years of work.


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